A glass of sparkling, an evening in the company of an elegant, enticing, woman. A taste of sensuality and pleasure is all yours to enjoy.

Hello, my dear gentleman, I am Chloe Bardot; a beautiful young student by day and your partner in tryst by night. I am the woman who is eager to discover you. The woman with rich, skin of silk to whom your sensuality lies upon. The sway of my hips to get lost on, and the french of my accent to hear over and again, to cherish…

Having origins that come from the two lively, colourful east-African towns with clear waters & fantasized white sands; I can only uphold that I am the ultimate escape of everyday life. Being a truly feminine and sensual woman, I enjoy taking care of myself and I do not shy away from my hedonistic nature.

I find myself drawn to a person with great knowledge on delicately treating a woman. Being in my early 20’s, I am still discovering myself every day. That being said, I am more than confident in my intellect and my well-rounded cultural knowledge.

My broad-minded perspective in life, my world travels and my keen interest in design, they would simply make things effortless for me when it’d come to exchanging and relating with you. And although my hypnotizing beauty and statuesque frame might possibly be the primal focus of your attention, my mind will be the reason for our multiple encounters. I am a mixture of the childhood friend with whom you had your biggest laughs with, the first woman to whom your first carnal desire belonged to & the confidante who was always there when you needed her.

In all honesty, I am but an ordinary woman… “With her eyes she holds a deeper meaning, with her lips she makes the difference, with her touch that lingers on, her heart of gold harbours the soul’’. xoxo, Chloe Bardot

Get in touch –

Phone: +1(514)601-4294

***Chloé Bardot lives in Montreal and visits Ottawa occasionally. Feel free to e-mail her at [email protected] to get notified by her next Ottawa visit. She is also available for FMTY/TMTY dates of 3 hours or more***

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